The Power of Feeding Your Mind an Interview with Karla Destiny
The Power of Feeding Your Mind an Interview with Karla Destiny. Hair is a fragile subject for many people around the world. Losing your hair can be immensely frustrating, and embarrassing because you somehow feel like it’s your fault. Which is where people like Karla Destiny step in.
At only 27 years old, Karla’s helping thousands of women and men across the world regain their confidence. This self-made entrepreneur and creative is also doing so much more, though. She’s not just helping by telling people it’s okay to struggle, she’s actually taking active steps to reverse that struggle.
One of the hardest things for an independent artist is reaching the audience you need to get the word out about your craft. I had the opportunity to sit down with Bizzy Crook (@BizzyCrook ) who is re-investing money from his other businesses into his music career. I was shocked to find out that he has been an independent artist all these years because he is moving like an artist with a record deal.
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Investing In Your Music Career as An Independent Artist an Interview
Disrupting Business with Wifi with Serial Entrepreneur Tony Delgado
Having the opportunity to sit with business disruptor @disruptceo about creating his brand Disrupt and the Latino Wallstreet community. He gave us great perspective on as long as you have internet you have the ability to change your life. He talks about how he relocated to Puerto Rico to help empower the island and build more entrepreneurs to disrupt the industry.
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Imagine one day you are bartending and working with distributors to get spirits inside of a venue. Now imagine you are the spirit being distributed inside of the venue. This is the story of entrepreneur Tina Karras. She went from working in the restaurant industry and bartending, to being the owner of her very own vodka brand Tina’s Planet Vodka. She also shares with us her journey in music as well.
Tina’s Planet Vodka is one of the newest vodkas on the market. It is GMO free, sustainably made, female-owned, contains zero additives, and uses a proprietary filtration system that involves coconut shells.